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District Committees

Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees are established by GCED. The district uses a variety of working committees to provide broad-based input in areas determined by GCED.

Business and Education Partnership of Goodhue County
The Business and Education Partnership of Goodhue County provides support services to member school districts that assist in addressing school-to-work issues such as post secondary education, special population, gender equity, and community/ business/industry school relationships.


Region 10 Interagency Early Intervention Committee
The Region 10 Interagency Early Intervention Committee is a state-mandated committee representing local, county, state, and federally funded agencies and parents of infants and young children whose purpose is to collaborate to assure services and support to families with children who have critical health, developmental, respite advocacy or financial resource needs from birth.


Region 10 Community Transition Interagency Committee
The Region 10 Community Transition Interagency Committee is a state-mandated committee representing local, county, state and federal agencies working together to assure students with special education and family needs are receiving transition planning and preparation to community, employment, post secondary education and living after graduation from high school.


Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is a collaborative forum where parents of children receiving special education and the district can work together for continuous improvement of special education services. To learn more, 
visit SEAC on this site.

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