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Positive Behavior Intervention Support


  • The Zones of Regulation: A curriculum designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control.

  • Skillstreaming: Skillstreaming employs a four-part training approach-modeling, role-playing, performance feedback, and generalization-to teach essential prosocial skills. 

Procedures for Behavior Intervention

While member districts use the PBIS framework to teach expected behaviors, behavior is individualized. What works for one student may not work for another student because of underlying needs, unspoken contracts, etc. The best behavior plans are woven into the day and are positive in nature. Relationships and mutual respect improve overall behaviors and climate.
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
Why is the student behaving in a manner that interferes with their learning?

For a quick snapshot to determine the reason behind the behavior, ask several adults (including parents) who know the student and complete a Functional Assessment Screening Tool form. Click here to download the form.

Observe the student to see how this information manifests itself and how it affects educational functioning. Determine interventions partially based on reason for the misbehavior. How do we support and be proactive in helping improve behavior? Click here to download a description of the process for supporting behavior improvement.

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